Blog: Rev. Fr. Robert Bower

Birds at McKinley Terrace

Here are the birds BirdNET identified at my feeder on 2024-09-08 with a confidence greater than 0.799 using 6 second recordings. Please note: These results are using AI only and not reviewed by anyone.

  • Blue Jay
  • Carolina Wren
  • Cedar Waxwing
  • Downy Woodpecker
  • Hermit Thrush
  • House Sparrow
  • Northern Flicker
  • Red-bellied Woodpecker
  • Worm-eating Warbler

Using BirdNET with a RTSP stream

BirdNet is available for multiple operating systems including Linux. BirdNET is designed to work with sound files and not an audio stream. I have written a small script that creates audio files from a RTSP stream and continually sends the files to BirdNET for processing. The script can be found at

Zettelkasten ID birnetrtsp-2024-06-14-1453

Barrow's Paper on the House Sparrow

While new to birding, I quickly found out that house sparrows are a hot button topic. House sparrows being am invasive species in North America and aggressive towards many native species there are those who want to thin out the flock, some by passive means and some by active means. There are also those who want to let the house sparrow be. No matter which side you are on it would be helpful to reference Walter Bradford Barrow's paper,The English sparrow (Passer domesticus) in North America : especially in its relations to agriculture.

Barrow's paper was the first study about the house sparrow. In his study, he identifies the different native species of birds that are harassed by house sparrows. Many articles on the Internet mention Barrow's study and paper but most do not provide a link to the actual paper. Barrow's paper is available on at the following link, Barrow's paper is really a book of 423 pages. However the section on Relation of the Sparrow to other Birds is nineteen pages.

I would suggest everyone read the section on Relation of the Sparrow to other Birds as a good background to the House Sparrow question.

Zettelkasten ID housesparrows-2024-06-12-0832

Recap POTA Plaque Event

I am a little late with this post but as they say better late than never. The weekend of June third and fourth was the annual POTA Plaque event. I was able to activate both Potato Creek State Park, K-2265 and Chamberlain Lake State Nature Preserve, K-4189. I had a total of thirty-seven FT8 contacts. While not a lot of contacts I was able to make a QSO with 7N1FRE in grid square QM05, which made my day, as it is my longest contact so far.

Image without description

Besides making a great contact, Roman, my black lab, and I had a great day at a couple of area parks.

Zettelkasten ID potaplaqueevent-2023-06-09-0645

Linux and GPS Time for FT8

One thing you need for FT8 is accurate time on your computer. Keeping accurate time on a Linux based operating system is quite easy today when your computer has access to the Internet. Most modern Linux distributions do it out of the box and no one thinks about it. Even in the field if you are connected to the Internet your computer has an accurate time, if it doesn't, with a quick trip to you can set your computer's time with a click of a button.

What if you don't have Internet access? The answer is to use GPS time. Linux distributions use either timedatectl/timesyncd, chrony, or NTP. The first listed option timedatectl/timesyncd does not support GPS time which leaves chrony or NTP. Either chrony or NTP will work. On my laptop that I use for POTA is currently running Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS so I opted for chrony.

Things you will need for this project is a GPS dongle or an Android phone running GPSshare and a computer running a Linux based operating system.

If you use a GPS dongle use one with Pulse-Per-Second (PPS) support for the most accurate time. You can use one without PPS but your time may not be as accurate.

Rather than using a dongle I used my Android phone running GPSshare. My phone's GPS does not support PPS so if you go the phone route realize you will not have as accurate time as with a GPS that supports PPS.

What I did was based on

  • I installed the following packages gpsd, chrony, pps-tools, and gpsd-clients on my laptop.
  • I installed GPSshare on my phone.
  • I already had this done but turn on ADB on your Android phone and install the ADB packages for your distribution.
  • If you are running Apparmour disable it for both gpsd and chrony. There seems to be a bug that currently is not fixed in apparmor that blocks gpsd and chrony.
  • Use the following guide to setup Share GPS via UBS
  • Edit /etc/default/gpsd to include the following if you use Share GPS.

# Other options you want to pass to gpsd

# Automatically hot add/remove USB GPS devices via gpsdctl
  • Edit /etc/chrony/chrony.conf to include the following if you are using GPS Share
refclock SHM 0 refid GPS precision 1e-1 offset 0.9999 delay 0.2
driftfile /var/db/chrony/chrony.drift
bindcmdaddress /var/run/chrony/chrony.sock
  • Assuming you have Share GPS setup, running, and connected to your laptop, now restart both gpsd and chrony with sudo systemctl restart gpsd.service and sudo systemctl restart chrony.service
  • Now run chronyc sources

You should see something like

MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample               
#? GPS                           0   4   177    24    +21ms[  +17ms] +/-  200ms
^- prod-ntp-4.ntp1.ps5.cano>     2  10   377   29m   +833us[ +833us] +/-   48ms
^- prod-ntp-3.ntp4.ps5.cano>     2  10   377   969  +1240us[+1240us] +/-   51ms
^- prod-ntp-3.ntp1.ps5.cano>     2  10   377   777  +1991us[+1991us] +/-   51ms
^-          2  10   377   998  +1522us[+1522us] +/-   80ms
^-                 2  10   357  1004  +2127us[+2127us] +/-   81ms
^-        3  10   377   982  +1632us[+1632us] +/-   58ms
^+              2  10   377   923  +1561us[+1561us] +/-   37ms
^+           1  10   377   21m  -6787us[-6787us] +/-   32ms
^-            2  10   377   33m    +24ms[  +24ms] +/-  125ms
^+            2  10   377    44  +6464us[+6464us] +/-   27ms
^-         2  10   377   26m  +4218us[+4218us] +/-   37ms
^*                2  10   377   31m   +501us[ +539us] +/-   14ms

Showing that the GPS is providing time and everything is working.

Remember using your phone's GPS works but a GPS dongle with PPS support would even be better.

Zettelkasten ID linuxandgpstime-2023-05-20-1219