While new to birding, I quickly found out that house sparrows are a hot button topic. House sparrows being am invasive species in North America and aggressive towards many native species there are those who want to thin out the flock, some by passive means and some by active means. There are also those who want to let the house sparrow be. No matter which side you are on it would be helpful to reference Walter Bradford Barrow's paper,The English sparrow (Passer domesticus) in North America : especially in its relations to agriculture.
Barrow's paper was the first study about the house sparrow. In his study, he identifies the different native species of birds that are harassed by house sparrows. Many articles on the Internet mention Barrow's study and paper but most do not provide a link to the actual paper. Barrow's paper is available on archive.org at the following link, https://archive.org/details/cihm_06680/page/n5/mode/2up. Barrow's paper is really a book of 423 pages. However the section on Relation of the Sparrow to other Birds is nineteen pages.
I would suggest everyone read the section on Relation of the Sparrow to other Birds as a good background to the House Sparrow question.
Zettelkasten ID housesparrows-2024-06-12-0832