Blog: radio

Nets I Participate in

Michiana Amateur Radio Club

Every Wednesday Night at 7:00 PM Eastern

K9DEW Repeater 147.330+MHz (131.8 PL)

Midwest GMRS

Every Sunday at 4:00 PM Eastern

Here is a partial list of repeaters

Winlink Wednesday Information


APRS Thursday

Zettelkasten ID nets-2022-10-25-1623

Where I am on the Bands

I do mostly digital modes on 20 meters, including FT8, JS8Call, and Winlink.

I also do APRS on 2 meter. I am on 145.825 listening for satellites.

When I do voice I usually hangout on Midwest GMRS, in particular the Elkhart, IN GMRS repeater on 462.550+

Zettelkasten ID whereihangout-2022-10-25-1508